

Become a member of our team.
You will help create products distributed around the world.

Career at Efko

We are a traditional Czech manufacturer of quality toys.

We are one of the few to declare proudly that our portfolio is still actually manufactured in the Czech Republic, namely in two factories: in Nové Veselí and in Korouhev near Polička.

Brigádník - odbavení objednávek

• vyřizování objednávek, balení, expedice
• sledování zásob
• komunikace se zákazníky
• znalost práce na PC
• prac. doba kdykoli mezi 7:00 - 15 hod. (celkem cca 5 hod. týdně)
• nástup možný ihned - provoz Nové Veselí


We have brought joy to both children and grown-ups since 1993.